If you received an order cancellation email but did not cancel the order yourself, here are some possible reasons for the cancellation:
Invalid or incomplete shipping address: Shipping addresses must include:
- Street/house number
- Street name
- Apartment/suite number (if applicable)
- City/town
- Postal code
Non-recognizable characters: Our system only recognizes English characters. Avoid special characters such as umlauts (e.g., ä, ö, ü), Korean Hangul (e.g., 한글), or Arabic script (e.g., العربية). Please use English alternatives (e.g., "Seoul" instead of "서울").
Too many characters per line: Our system can only accept up to 40 characters per line, including spaces and punctuation.
- International PO Boxes: We cannot ship to PO Boxes outside of the United States. Please provide a physical address instead.
If any of these issues applied to your canceled order, please place a new order with the correct information. If none of these apply, please contact us and select Orders & Shipping for more options.