If you are recovering from losing both your phone and your Bitkey hardware device see How do I recover / access my Bitkey wallet with my new phone and new Bitkey hardware device? for more information.
To access your Bitkey wallet using your new phone, follow the steps below to initiate a recovery:
For iOS devices:
- Download the Bitkey app to your new phone.
- Open the Bitkey app and select More Options > Restore your wallet
- If Cloud recovery is available, select Restore Bitkey Wallet
- If you are recovering your wallet, you will need to approve the action with your hardware device.
- If you are recovering only as a Trusted Contact, you will not be prompted to approve the action with your hardware device. If you are unable to recover from the cloud, you will need to ask the person you are a trusted contact for to invite you again to be their Trusted Contact.
- If Bitkey is unable to find your iCloud backup, select Recover your wallet to begin the Delay + Notify recovery process.
- Select Start recovery, and use your hardware device to approve the action.
- There is a seven day security waiting period. During this time you’ll receive notifications letting you know that a recovery has been initiated.
Note: You can cancel recovery at any time by selecting Cancel from the recovery in progress screen. This will cancel the mobile key recovery on this phone and return you to the Bitkey landing screen - Once the security waiting period has ended, a new Mobile key will be created within your new phone and you can complete your recovery in a final step that includes a bitcoin transaction. Funds will be moved from the control of the old Mobile Key on your old phone to the new Mobile Key on your new phone with a transaction on the bitcoin network.
Confirm your account balance is correct. Your new wallet should reflect your previous account balance, minus the network fee associated with moving the funds to your new set of keys.
IMPORTANT: If you have previously provided a Bitkey wallet address to someone so they could send you funds, you should update them immediately with an address created by the Bitkey app after you’ve completed a Delay + Notify recovery with your new hardware device. Funds sent to a Bitkey address that was created prior to completing a single Delay + Notify recovery can still be accessed. See How do I access funds sent to a previously created Bitkey address?for more information.
- If Cloud recovery is available, select Restore Bitkey Wallet
- Once you have successfully completed the recovery process, you will be able to use your Bitkey wallet on your new phone.
For Android devices:
- Download the Bitkey app to your new phone.
- Open the Bitkey app and select More Options > Restore your wallet
- Select the Google account that was first used to set up your Bitkey.
- If Cloud recovery is available, select Restore Bitkey Wallet.
- If you are recovering your wallet, you will need to approve the action with your hardware device.
- If you are recovering only as a Trusted Contact, you will not be prompted to approve the action with your hardware device. If you are unable to recover from the cloud, you will need to ask the person you are a trusted contact for to invite you again to be their Trusted Contact.
- If Bitkey is unable to find your Cloud backup, select Recover your wallet to begin the Delay + Notify recovery process.
- Select Start Recovery, and use your hardware device to approve the action.
- There is a seven day security waiting period. During this time you’ll receive notifications letting you know that a recovery has been initiated.
Note: You can cancel recovery at any time by selecting Cancel from the recovery in progress screen. This will cancel the mobile key recovery on this phone and return you to the Bitkey landing screen. - Once the security waiting period has ended, a new Mobile key will be created within your new phone and you can complete your recovery in a final step that includes a bitcoin transaction. Funds will be moved from the control of the old Mobile Key on your old phone to the new Mobile Key on your new phone with a transaction on the bitcoin network.
- Confirm your account balance is correct. Your new wallet should reflect your previous account balance, minus the network fee associated with moving the funds to your new set of keys.
IMPORTANT: If you have previously provided a Bitkey wallet address to someone so they could send you funds, you should update them immediately with an address created by the Bitkey app after you’ve completed a Delay + Notify recovery with your new hardware device. Funds sent to a Bitkey address that was created prior to completing a single Delay + Notify recovery can still be accessed. See How do I access funds sent to a previously created Bitkey address? for more information.
- Once you have successfully completed the recovery process, you will be able to use your Bitkey wallet on your new phone.